USask Values

The University of Saskatchewan (USask) community values integrity, honesty, and ethical behavior, as outlined in the mission, vision, and values statement.

Our Learning Charter identifies integrity and respect as one of our Learning Pursuits, including:

  • Exercising intellectual integrity and ethical behaviour with kitimakeyichikewin | kitimakaymitoohk (Cree/Michif, kindness by self to others)

Academic integrity is a shared value in higher education around the world. The International Centre for Academic Integrity defines academic integrity as a commitment to six fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage.

Academic Integrity Strategy

An Academic Integrity Task Force, with a mandate to produce an action plan to support a culture of academic integrity, provided recommendations in 2023.

  • teach the values and skills for academic integrity in context and as they relate to ethical action in other areas of life; 
  • reduce the pressure and uncertainty students feel about assessment, including by providing practice with feedback and by normalizing help-seeking; 
  • use assessment designs and methods that are more likely to reduce academic misconduct; 
  • support instructors to address the academic misconduct they encounter through teaching as well as through policy and procedures; 
  • support developmental initiatives and programs for students and instructors; 
  • decolonize messages and practices related to academic integrity, attending to equity, diversity and inclusivity; 
  • express and disseminate institutional commitment to academic integrity 

  1. Increasing and expanding teaching and assessment practices that support academic integrity and reduce academic misconduct.
  2. Helping students to understand expectations and be responsible for academic integrity in their own learning.
  3. Updating regulations and procedures for improved function, guidance, information sharing, and educative responses.
  4. Investing in ongoing operationalization of academic integrity supports and functions.

Dr. Susan Bens, Academic Integrity Strategist in the Office of Teaching and Learning

Artificial Intelligence

This fall, USask is launching a set of comprehensive (currently provisional) principles and guidelines on the use of AI by researchers, students, faculty, and support services. The guidelines share specific guidance and resources tailored to the act of teaching, learning, research and administration on campus.
Please review these important details on the site linked below.

Our community

Academic integrity is a shared responsibility and commitment.

Across USask, faculty and staff and students work to support and maintain academic integrity.

  • Colleges and Schools: Each College/School has an identified administrator who handles matters related to the academic misconduct regulations. Check with the Dean's Offices.
  • Student unions:
    • USSU - Undergraduate students
    • GSA - Graduate students