In Saskatchewan

NEW! Saskatchewan Academic Integrity Meeting - USask (March 12, 2025) 

This is an inaugural in-person meeting for those working in the Saskatchewan post-secondary sector who have responsibilities for and interest in supporting and promoting academic integrity. Please note, there is a maximum of 55 registrants.

Date: Wednesday, March 12 - 9:30am - 3:30pm

Location: Marquis Hall, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon

Registration & Cost: $50 + applicable tax (Fee covers lunch, refreshments, and program). Payment may be made with a USask CFOAPAL or other payment methods are available, please see buttons below to register.

Contact with questions about this event.

Space is limited initially for USask registrants, please contact Susan to be notified when additional spaces become available.

Tentative Agenda: Any changes or updates will be made here; a final agenda package will be shared directly to registrants on March 6th. Bios on presenters and panelists can be found in the next drop down below.

9:30am Welcome

Session 1: Empowering Academic Integrity Champions
Description: Consider what it means to collaborate and share leadership within and across institutions in support of academic integrity. Presenter: Josh Seeland, Manager of Library, Assiniboine College, Brandon Manitoba 

11:00am Break
11:15am Session 2: Supporting Students in 2025 
Description: Hear what those working closely with students say students need in 2025 to maintain academic integrity and navigate academic misconduct concerns, especially with the arrival of AI. 
Panel: Advocates and policy navigators from across the sector
12:00pm Lunch
12:45pm Session 3: Designing Assessments in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) 
Description: Categorize assessment concerns that reflect new AI realities and develop your own key questions to help with change in assessment. Presenter: Dr. Wendy James, Director, Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Saskatchewan
1:45pm Break
2:00pm Session 4: Topic Tables 
Description: A world café style session with the option to participate in 3 of 5 interest topic tables. The topics will be determined based on interest collected through registration.  
3:00-3:30pm Wrap up

Session 1: Empowering Academic Integrity Champions

Josh Seeland is the Manager of Library Services at Assiniboine College in Brandon, MB, where his portfolio items include academic integrity and copyright. He also serves as Chair of Assiniboine’s Academic Integrity Advisory Committee.

Seeland is a founding member of the Manitoba Academic Integrity Network (MAIN), the Manitoba representative for the International Center for Academic Integrity Canada and served on the Advisory Committee for 2023’s Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity.

His writing can be found in academic journals including Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity and the International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. Seeland is also a co-editor and author for the Palgrave edited volume, “Contract Cheating in Higher Education - Global Perspectives on Theory, Practice, and Policy” and “Academic Integrity and the Role of the Academic Library: Institutional Examples and Promising Practices” from Springer. More information about these contributions can be found here

Session 2: Supporting Students in 2025

Elisabeth Baumann is a final year Arts and Science student and has served two years as Vice President Academic Affairs for the University of Saskatchewan Students Union (USSU). In this role, she helps students to navigate academic misconduct matters by helping them understand their rights and responsibilities. More information about the USSU’s academic advocacy function can be found here.    

Madi Currie has worked for the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Students’ Association (SPSA) since 2022 in the position of “Student Advocate”. There are two such full-time professional positions with the SPSA that cover the four campuses across the province. Madi is based on the main Saskatoon campus and manages the northern locations (Saskatoon and Prince Albert). In this role, Madi assists and advises students who are facing academic challenges, aids in dispute resolution by facilitating effective communication, ensures that students, staff and faulty are following the policies and procedures of Sask Polytech and refers students to the various supports within the institute. More information about the SPSA advocacy work can be found here.   

Katherine Springford has worked for Suncrest College (a new college formed in 2023 merging Cumberland College and Parkland College) in Yorkton since 2004. She has held many roles, both instructional and administrative. Currently, she is a Teaching and Learning Mentor at Suncrest and a Sessional Lecturer with the University of Regina. In the mentor role, Katherine supports instructors by sharing strategies to improve their teaching practice, by helping them to troubleshoot issues, and by providing training sessions alongside the other three members of the mentoring team. Katherine has dealt with Academic Integrity from both an instructor and a program administrator lens, overall taking an approach that favours prevention and learning. More information about Suncrest College can be found here.

Session 3: Designing Assessments in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Wendy James is the Director of the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning at the University of Saskatchewan. She began in this role in 2018 after more than 20 years as a teacher, educational developer, and leader in K-12 education. Wendy has long-standing interest and expertise in assessment and recently has been learning as much as she can about artificial intelligence and what it means for assessment practice in higher education. Wendy leads initiatives focused on AI literacy and appropriate use in support of teaching and learning at USask. More information on the USask principles and guidelines on artificial intelligence can be found here.

NEW! Canadian Symposium for Academic Integrity - URegina (May 22 -23, 2025)

Good news! The 2025 Canadian Symposium for Academic Integrity is being hosted in Saskatchewan at the University of Regina on May 22 and 23.

Deadline for proposals is February 14, 2025.

About this event:

  • This symposium is held every two years. See the last CSAI 2023 program 
  • It attracts academic integrity enthusiasts from a variety of educational organizations and roles across Canada. 
  • Example roles of past participants:   
    • Academic integrity researchers, scholars, specialists;  
    • Educators, instructors, faculty and academic leaders;  
    • Librarians and educational developers;  
    • Policy makers and administrators;  
    • Student affairs and academic advising professionals;  
    • Student leaders and advocates; and
    • Increasingly, K-12 educators and administrators.   

Contact Susan Bens if you are interested in submitting a proposal and want information, advice or to discuss possible collaborators, or planning to attend and would like to coordinate with other USask attendees for travel or accommodation.

Online groups

Saskatchewan Academic Integrity Community of Practice (established in 2021) 

Academic Integrity Hour in Canada (established in 2020) 

  • 1 hour meeting most Mondays with a topic advertised in advance 
  • To join, contact convenor
    • For more from Dr. Sarah Elaine Eaton, see this blog

2024-2025 “MAIN” webinar series


There has been a movement to establish Academic Integrity networks across Canada. Some of these groups produce resources, host regular meetings, and offer PD opportunities.


National and international bodies exist. They produce guidelines, resources, conduct and publish research, convene meetings and conferences for researcher and practitioner audiences.